I was indulged in my studies and other activities for self reliance and finance, it became too much difficult for me to continue the precious work on the blog. This is the dilemma to all the middle class families whenever it comes to their pursuance to a Noble project as the have many worried moments than peaceful minutes. But recently, I got an email with emojis (remember now a days emoji language is used to express the bunch of emotions while writing). I don't from where s/he was and how s/he came across the blog but s/he was so immersed in the blog and got got what s/he desired. After this the person wrote an email to me. This motivated me to resume the work as the email convinced me that it's worthy to spend my time and energy despite having a lot of other problems. I'm going to paste both the original mail and my response to it and hope so you'll find it worthy to mention here. Peace and Blessings!
Email of the Reader
Thank you very much for helping me as a seeker to find material to aid my understanding to differentiate between the Eckankar and the Vardankar. Am very grateful 🙏 🥲 because at a point I felt am lost in seeking the truth.
Regards,Anyorkpore James.
Answer to the Mail
Hi James
Hope so you're woth peace and calm .
Happy to know about this. The best and the Spiritual joy fills one's mind when one comes to know that someone else has materially or spiritually got evolved thanks to one's meager effort.
I'm trying to rearrange and write something more on the site as my ultimate goal is to write about 250_300 Religions and Spiritual orders,which I studied unbiasedly and now owe to all those teachings, but unfortunately thanks to time and some other reasons the project is in a deadlock.
Plz wish me the best and send many positive vibes!
Yours sincerely.