Many Spiritual practices are recommended and explicitly described in Aetherius Society holy literature but,interestingly,unlike other religions and spiritual orders, none of these spiritual practices are mandatory or essential for the followers.They are left up to to the discretion of the practitioner.
There are certain practices which are recommended at specific times because of the mystic significance of those times, but individuals are free to practice these or not, and so called empty rituals are absent in The Aetherius Society.
King Yoga is the Spiritual Path of The Aetherius Society. The main theme and aim of the spiritual practices in King Yoga is to utilize Prana (universal life force) for individual and collective well being. Prana or Universal life force is the basis of all life – everything in manifestation. Prana is present everywhere and in everything at all times, though the amount of Prana may be different in different beings. The primary source of Prana in our Solar System is the Sun. Prana can be obtained, transmitted, radiated, manipulated and utilized via the spiritual practices in King Yoga. You can use this energy to raise your own consciousness, and to help heal and raise the consciousness of other people too.
Anyone can do this, which is one of the things that makes The Aetherius Society unique. They believe we are all in essence Divine Spirit with the potential to express this Divinity – most of all by helping others.
The detailed discussion about Prana and also discussion about Spiritual practices will be in other articles.