From Antiquity to Eckankar
The history of VARDANKAR is, in fact, the history of its teachings and Shariyat Ki HURAY,the ancient scripture of VARDANKAR.Throughtout the ages a Living VARDAN Master used to be present in this world and give the teachings to specific spiritual seekers in a secrecy.
Shariyat is the oldest scripture before Sanskrit writings,considered by many the oldest ones, but also before Altanis and Lemiria Shariyat was there.The teachings,well hidden and well guarded, were in Tibet in Golden Temples and spiritual planes.Shariyat was mainly kept in the spiritual city of Agam Des in Hindu Kush mountains in central Asia.
Shariyat was the basis of all religions in one or other form.
VARDANKAR teachings were first given to Rama who was the first saviour of the world.Rama belonged from Northern Tibet.He approached the teachings by Soul travel and an ancient VARDAN Master gave the teachings to him in Agam Des City.
Rama traveled to Persia (present day Iran), stayed here temporarily and gave a few mystics the teachings.Later, here the teachings were changed into the Zoroastrianism (a religion found in Iran,Iraq and India,Indian Zoroastians are also called Parsi).
Rama then went to India,he settled in India and taught the teachings.These teachings were then converted into different Indian religions.
In 13th century, Jalal-ud-Rumi,a mystic Persian poet, wrote the teachings for the first times like in his poem, "The Reed of God."
In 16th century, Kabir an Indian mystic poet tried to publicize the teachings of VARDANKAR but the spiritually less developed people considered it a blow to orthodoxy and forced him to escape in order to save himself.
The teachings by mouth were corrupted to paths like Shabda yoga, Santon yoga, Magi, Cult of Dionysis and other religions.
In 1965 The Living VARDAN Master Sri Paul Twitchwell brought teachings to the world in the name of ECKANKAR.