History of VARDANKAR Part#2


From Eckankar to VARDANKAR

     Paul Twitchwell translated (died) in 1971.
Before his translation (death) he made a list of 4 members to lead Eckankar but never chose a successor because no one was ready to take 12th initiation.Therefore Rod of Power was passed to the Great VARDAN Master of all times Rebazar Tarz,the Torch Bearer.
Darwin Gross,appointed by the Eckankar board of directors as the leader, tried to keep the teachings on track but failed because he had no Rod of Power.
After Darwin Gross, Harold Klemp became the leader of Eckankar.He changed the teachings to a large extent and thus, Eckankar became a deteriorated off shoot like many other paths and religions, of the true and great Spiritual Path.
In 2013, the Spiritual Hierarchy under the direction of various Masters and silent ones under the direction of HURAY (God) decided to pass on the Rod of Power to Sri Allen Feldman.
On October 22nd, 2013, Allen ji  received the Rod of Power and became the Living VARDAN Master, and Margatma.
Margatma gave the name VARDANKAR to the holy teachings of all times.

History of Vardankar Part 01

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