History of Aetherius Society Part#02

          Aetherius Society, in its recent form is associated with Dr. George King, you can find a detailed description of Dr. George king's life in the following link,


Dr. King was a prolific writer as he had had an effective and most impressive command on both subjects of modern sciences and spiritualities. He wrote a lot of books and booklets independently and in association with friends especially Richard Lawrence. This literature is considered by the followers as holy texts as according to them it's revealed by Cosmic Masters to Dr. King. A catalogue of Dr. King's books is found in the article whose link is mentioned below,

          The most important piece of Aetherius Holy Literature is a booklet named, “Twelve blessings," as it is the most effective ad important Spiritual practice of Aetherius Society. Twelve blessings were revealed in between Sunday July 27th, 1958 to Sunday October 12th, 1958. One blessing was revealed upon Dr.king telepathically by Jesus Christ in each Sunday.Know further about Aetherius Spiritual practices in the following article.

          Dr. King lived lived a very humble and stoic life. He travelled between the UK and the USA very often. He also visited Australia and Tanzania in a Spiritual mission to Spiritually  charge seven mountains around the world. Dr. King left this Earthly body at July 12th, 1997.
           After Dr. George King, Aetherius Society is governed by a board of directors and currently its head is Richard Lawrence. Just in 23 years, as I'm writing this article, Aetherius Society has a world wide presence. The main centers of Society are in the UK, the USA, Ghana, Nigeria, New Zeeland and many other countries. Furthermore the religion is growing at a fast rate due to its missionary preaching via internet. In short, instead of becoming stagnant Aetherius Society is very dynamic even after demise of Dr. King and it's going to be an international religion in contrast to many New Age Religious Movements which tend to become cults. 

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  1. Sir your efforts for unity of mankind in religious purposes is really admirable.I hope you will succeed in your work.
