Spiritual exercises of VARDANKAR

                 A message from the Margatma,the living VARDAN Master Sri Allen Feldman,regarding to spiritual excerises for all the spirituality seekers who are new to Vardankar and have yet not started discourses
                   "In regard to spiritual excerises you can watch the following video on YouTube! 

VARDANKAR - A Simple Out of Body Exercise

Also find the God worlds chart on our VARDANKAR.com web site and print if you can.

You can chant the different words on the chart or chant the names of Guardians of the Golden Wisdom Temples found in the Shariyat in order to visit these Temples!!!!

You can also find the pictures of the VARDAN Masters at VARDANMastersART.com

You are free to print them in color or just use them off your screen if you can't afford to print them out.(As a chela of Margatma I understood it means the color picture of VARDAN Masters if hanged in home enhance spirituality or even you look and visualize it.)

There are other videos that give some exercise.

You can also chant the word HU, as H......U....... (this is demonstrated in some of the videos)

or you can chant it HU (as in the color Hue)

Look for the inner light of God and listen for the inner sound of God and stop and  listen and look  then continue chanting.

You can also chant H.U.R.A.Y and any of the word on chart each one corresponds to a given plane.

The discourses will have a lot of exercises.There are also exercises found in the books such as Thousands of Visits to Heaven and Heart of God."

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