VARDANKAR and VARDANist Community part#1

                                Roadmap to VARDANist Sociality and Ethics

                 “Relations with people outside

                       the VARDAN brings pain more

                        than happiness and this

                        is why the VARDANists all band

                         together in a spiritual community.

                         They are  looking  for  the  best  in

                         life  and  will  give up  everything  to

                         be  with  their  own  under  the  Margatma,

                          the Living VARDAN Master.”

           The above statement from Shariyat Ki HURAY never means that the VARDANists, should cut all ties with people from other Faiths and Ideaologies rather it emphasizes the importance of contact and communication among the VARDANists with Margatma and one an other because communication in between them will thwart them away from spirituality and they can't practice VARDANKAR effectively and efficiently and it's no exception for VARDANKAR, any code of life loose its identity when its practitioners scatter away and a communication gap is generated among.
            Below some vital characteristics of VARDANists and their communities are given.These all points are direct or indirect derivations from the 11th chapter, “The Culture of VARDANKAR,” in the 2nd volume of Shariyat ki HURAY.
1) VARDANists live in communes or within small groups in their societies.
2) VARDANists remain within the whole of the mainstream society.They never live like a cult follower.They fully remain harmonious within their societies.However, they have their own identity.This is called, “Culture within culture.”
3) One of the basic ingredient of VARDANists' life is non-violence.They try to gain their objectives by non-violence because they know violence, anger, and complaint really belong to the Kal (evil).
5) VARDANists alike to The Living VARDAN Master, Margatma have no concern with political changes and reforms yet as Margatma goes somewhere his presence directs the positive reforms so the VARDANists also pave the way to politicosocial changes by their worthy actions.
6) VARDANist Community is international, interplanetary, and interpsychic.In short, it is the most spiritually evolved community which is nature,environment,mankind and even being loving.
7) VARDANist Community can and do talk, hold conversations.
8) Discipline is very important to every one who belongs to VARDAN community.

9) VARDANists don't worship or idolicize any individual, even it may be The Living VARDAN Master,Margatma yet self surrender and devotion to Margatma, is very  essential to be a true spiritual seekers and VARDANist.
10) The Spiritual Community of VARDANist is a place in which hearts of all those VARDANists dwell.

Vardankar and Vardanist Community-part2

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