8th July, New EarthYear, Comemeration of July 8th, 1965, Initiation of Earth

       Today we commemorate the most important event in the history of Earth – the Primary Initiation of our planet, as an entity, which took place on July 8th, 1964.

During this Initiation, vast energies were sent directly to The Logos of Earth – the life force of the living, breathing, conscious Goddess we know simply as The Mother Earth.

Millions of years ago mankind destroyed the planet Maldek – our previous home. At that time there was nowhere else for us to go. The Mother Earth did not need to accept us here, but she did.

When She was approached after the fall of Atlantis to accept her Initiation, she did not need to refuse it for our sake, but she did.

Even today, following Her initiation in 1964, She does not need to withhold her spiritual energies for our sake, so that we can continue to live here, but she does. She knows that most of us would not be able to physically live here otherwise.

There are few who appreciated this sacrifice more than Master of Yoga Dr. George King:

Imagine something as great as the Logos of a world who knew that She would have to hold up Her evolution long enough for a race that had just killed a planet to evolve. Imagine giving permission! I don’t think you can really appreciate this fantastic sacrifice – this true, true, true, true essence of love. Not the love you know, but the real cosmic love in action. It is one of the saddest things I have ever heard of, and I say in all truth to you that I cannot talk very much about it. It affects me greatly even though I am a trained yogi and I am trained to control my emotions up to a certain point. But I am afraid, talking very much about this tremendous decision does affect me emotionally and it should affect you emotionally.

These words, delivered in a lecture in Amersham, England, on ‘The Cosmic Plan’ in 1974, reflect exactly how Dr. King felt about the Mother Earth. This feeling had been with him since boyhood. In his book, Visit To The Logos Of Earth, which is among other things a beautifully devotional tribute to this Goddess, he wrote:
One lesson which I will never forget was, strangely enough, one which I have always known ever since I was a very small child, but this truth was brought home to me more forcibly than ever before. It is a simple truth and an obvious one, but has been overlooked by mankind for centuries. It is a truth which the more highly evolved beings, living on other planets in this solar system, have known about for thousands of years.
        Very simply stated, the truth is this: the most holy, the most sacred, the most godlike being you have ever physically touched, is the ground beneath your feet.

Just as he had known as a child how to pray without being taught – a technique he later introduced to the world as dynamic prayer – so he knew and appreciated the divinity of the planet upon which he lived. It was inbuilt within him and would become his overwhelming passion.
– Extract from The King Who Came To Earth, our Master's Biography

This July the 8th let us try to emulate Dr. King's appreciation and passion for the Goddess Earth, and do our very best to help Her by working to help raise the consciousness of all life on Earth.

With Blessings,

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