Shariyat Ki HURAY
Is the most holy book of VARDANKAR, as it is stated in the introduction of the book,"Those who follow VARDAN are involved in the SHARIYAT-KI-HURAY for it is their bible, the everlasting gospel."
Shariyat Ki HURAY means, "The way of Eternal."
The teachings in the book are much old but remained concealed for a long time as stated in the very start, "The writings of golden wisdom have always been hidden in the spiritual worlds have now been translated in the first time.In fact, this is illustrated in the dedication as,
"Dedicated to The VARDAN Masters of the Ancient Order of Boucharan who waited patiently for the right time to give this Message to the World. "
The book has considered to be possessing Twelve or more values.First two volumes are published and can be found in PDF formate.The first volume is dictated by Sri Fubbi Quantz, the great VARDAN Master at the Katsupari Monastery in Northern Tibet while the second volume is dictated by Yaubi Sacabi, the Great VARDAN Master at Gate Hire Temple of wisdom at Again Des in Himalaya Mountains.
The essence of teachings in the initial passages are summerized as, "SHARIYAT-KI-HURAY contains the wisdom and ecstatic knowledge of those planes of the spiritual worlds, beyond the regions of time and space. To read and study this highly inspired book will give the reader an insight into the scriptures of the Temples of Golden Wisdom."
Shariyat Ki HURAY is the most holiest book in the world, as Margatma Allen Feldman,The Living VARDAN Master says in Vardankar dictionary,"There are no books higher than the Shariyat-Ki-HURAY and anyone studying them is most fortunate. "